設計師玩具潮牌「愚者樂園」繼「SUPER PROFESSIONAL」後,繼續向經典電影作品致敬。新作「LEON // BABAYAGA 愚者殺神」再次找來Mario當cosplayer,並以Léon的姿態cosplay John Wick。作品以殺神2電影宣傳照為創作概念———右手握著手槍的LEON//BABAYAGA,臉上有淌著血的傷痕,被10位槍手瞄準頭部(手槍上的消音器是《超級瑪利歐兄弟》遊戲中的砲彈呢),危機雖一觸即發,LEON//BABAYAGA卻沉著冷靜,屏息凝神以伺機出擊。作品高約35.5cm,既還原了兩位傳奇職業殺手的共同魅力———面對生命受脅而無所畏懼的眼神與姿態,亦能以逗趣手法呈現緊張情節,讓作品少了一分嚴肅,多了幾分趣味。
Fools Paradise’s latest LEON // BABAYAGA vinyl art toy blends John Wick and Leon/Mario in dramatic fashion. Standing around 35.5cm tall. Riffing off the sequel’s memorable poster of John Wick 2, the design features Leon in a tight spot, targeted by pistols seemingly suspended in air. Each gun features a Bullet Bill-style silencer which is super cute.
Limited Edition of 499. Expected to be shipped in Q1 2023.